Badge with own text

 5,94 6,36 EUR (Incl. vat)

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COD: BAD-EIGN Categorie: , , ,

Badge “Own text”

  • Hereyoucanbuy your ownbadge withyour desired text. Type the desiredtextin thecomments of your order.For exampleyourdog’s name isRex write intheremarks the desired text for on the badge: “Rex” .
  • Production time +/- 2 weeks
    Size badge For:
    5×2 cm S Tactical harnas front
    8×3 cm S Tactical harnas side
    6×3 M Tactical harnas front
    105×5 cm M Tactical harnas side/ Harnas Hercules
    8×3 cm L harnas front/ Tactical Collar
    13×5 cm L harnas side
misura badge

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